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Jack Longman
Sep 2, 2019
Studio VLog - Crawlers Debut EP
Studio doc featuring Crawlers recording their debut EP with Jack Longman.

Jack Longman
Aug 30, 2019
Out Today: Lighthouse Welcoming Town EP
Today is the release date of an EP that I produced for Lighthouse called "Welcoming Town".

Jack Longman
Aug 21, 2019
Studio VLog #001 | Recording Drums with Shattered Knees
My first VLog! Recording heavy Drums, SM58's wearing hoodies and Danny Dyer!

Jack Longman
Aug 15, 2019
The heaviest live session I've recorded thus far.
God Complex came to Soundlab Studios to record a punishing live session for #LiveAtTheLab, check it out!

Jack Longman
May 20, 2019
In the studio, be a team-player, always.
How aligning your goals and working as a team with artists/bands will help you make better records and friends for life.

Jack Longman
Aug 11, 2018
Drums for heavy music? Strip them back!
How stripping your mic selection back will help you record better sounding drums for heavy music.
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